VIX Token Supply

The supply of VIX can be viewed on the Dashboard.

The increase in circulating supply will vary depending on the number of tokens that get vested.

The forecasted max supply is 100 million VIX tokens. Minting beyond this max supply will only occur if there is a requirement for it. This requirement must be voted on and approved by VIX governance before it would be permitted.

Supply allocation:

  • 40 million rVIX: Community Incentives

  • 10 million VIX: Ecosystem Fund

  • 5 million VIX: Reward the early VIX liquidity providers

  • 12 million VIX: Public Sale

  • 8 million VIX: Private Sale

  • 15 million VIX: Team

  • 10 million VIX: Floor Price Fund

Last updated